
Showing posts from April, 2024

Top Reasons to Install a Handheld Shower in Your Bathroom

At some point in life, we all crave that feeling of getting a personalised spa-like bath. To start the day or to end it, a therapeutic shower helps to relieve yourself from the scribbles of the daily chores. And what if we tell you there’s a refreshing way to do that, even at home?  Yes, all you have to do is simply install a hand shower in your bathroom and just experience the change in your routine. In contrast to overhead showers, these are designed to provide a more personalised and sensual experience through their cascading water droplet mechanism.  Hand-held Shower Head Moreover, with their flexibility and mobility, these portable wonders pleasantly blend into any environment or bathroom theme. Whether it’s a cosy modern, classic traditional, standard tiled or minimalist bathroom, it is an aesthetically pleasing addition and a functional upgrade. Differe nce Between Overhead Showers vs Hand-Held Shower Heads The initial difference between overhead showers and hand-held shower h